Friday, October 17, 2008

Comics and Games

Finally, I made it to level 10 last night. Phew!
I was so relieved I actually thought I'd reward myself with six hours of sleep. That was not to be, however, but that's a subject for another blog.

Since my last post, I have become quite invested in my character. I learned to protect myself by not venturing out too far and not taking on more than, say, one defiance character, bear, spider,wolves, etc. I learned to lure one away from the crowd before taking him/her on. I learned that I have more chances of beating someone at a lesser level than me. I learned not to get killed because that set me back in terms of finding myself in the spirit world and having to go find my corpse and then get to do what I needed to do.

Also, I figured out, what my son had known all along, which was kill, kill, kill, if you are to get ahead. Without killing, you were pretty much stuck in the same position. You could wander off into the wildest region and "discover" new places and your progress would be very slow indeed.

The Quests
Variations of

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